Dog Agility Competition Of Florida

Proud Sponsor of DACOF
DACOF Snooker
Based upon our annual DACOF Surveys, there has been growing interest in Snooker. In conjunction with DACOF's 16th Year, come try the DACOF Version of Snooker at Run Thru's on Friday to learn the rules in a practice environment. Then, watch how DACOF Snooker may look in a competitive environment Sunday while the DACOF Results are being tabulated. If enough of the DACOF Community finds the game interesting and fun, we may be able to incorporate DACOF Snooker into the mix for future DACOF Competitions.
Competitors Guidelines for the DACOF 15th Year
The goal of snooker is to accumulate points before time runs out. Accumulating the maximum points is done by taking obstacles in a certain order. All properly performed (i.e. non-faulted) obstacles earn points (except if taken back to back), but maximum points (through bonus points) are achieved by following certain patterns or sequences. The run has two parts: an Opening Sequence and a Closing Sequence.
Course – the course has three 1 point jumps and other obstacles (or combinations of obstacles) numbered 5-8.
Opening sequence –
Dog takes a 1 point jump and then one of the other numbered (5-8) obstacles or combinations.
This can be done up to 3 times in the opening.
Each sequence must start with a DIFFERENT 1 point obstacle.
Other numbered (5-8) obstacles can be used more than once.
If a 5-8 obstacle has a bar down, it can still be used for points.
Each time a pattern of 1 point jump/other numbered obstacle (or combination) is completed properly, bonus points are awarded. A 15 point bonus will be awarded for each properly executed sequence.
If an obstacle is faulted or the pattern order is broken, there are no bonus points for that pattern. However, bonus points can still be earned by subsequently completing a 1 point jump not previously taken followed by any one of the other numbered obstacles or combinations.
Closing sequence –
Dog has to touch the pause table with at least one paw in order to indicate to the judge that the team is starting the closing.
Dog completes obstacles/combinations 5 through 8 in ascending order.
Each obstacle can only be completed for points once in the closing.
If completed in order with no faults, a 25 point closing bonus is awarded.
Buzzer -
Standard Course time is between 32 – 38 seconds depending on jump height. If the team has not completed the course by the end of Standard Course time, the buzzer will sound indicating that no additional points may be earned and the team must proceed to the finish jump to stop the timer. After the buzzer sounds, each second will result in time faults reducing the team’s score. If the timer is not stopped, the team will receive a score of zero.
Scoring –
Teams keep the points they have earned, less one point per second (or fraction of a second) that they go over Standard Course Time.
Teams that do not go over the finish jump lose all points.
Judges Guidelines for the DACOF 15th Year
To demonstrate a competitor’s versatility in assessing and applying strategy in competition. The course and class rules are derived from the billiard game of snooker. DACOF Snooker differs from other venues’ snooker in that a competitor can still go on to earn points after a mistake has been made, up until the final buzzer.
The Course:
The course shall consist of 2 parts:, an Opening Sequence and a Closing Sequence.
The Opening Sequence shall include a minimum of four (4) obstacles (or combination of obstacles) that are assigned point values and three one point jumps. The Closing Sequence will consist of four obstacles (or obstacle combinations) numbered 5 – 8 that must be taken in ascending numeric.
The Opening Sequence
The opening obstacles are assigned point values as follows:
Three - 1 point Jumps
Four obstacles or combination of obstacles each designated by a different point value (5 - 8)
The “Opening Sequence” shall consist of four obstacles/obstacle combinations that need to be taken in the following order to be eligible for maximum Bonus Points:
1) Any one point jump
2) Point value obstacle (5 - 8)
3) Any remaining one point jump not already taken
4) Point value obstacle (5 - 8)
5) Last remaining one point jump not already taken
6) Point value obstacle (5 - 8)
All obstacles/obstacle combinations successfully completed will be awarded points but the proper pattern (one point jump/point value obstacle) must be adhered to in order to be eligible for Bonus Points.
To be eligible for Opening Sequence bonus points, the following rules must be observed:
A one point jump must be performed successfully before any other obstacle/combination is taken.
A one point jump may be taken only once whether faulted or successfully performed No points will be awarded if an obstacle is faulted and the judge will not call the value of those points.
The same or different 5-8 point obstacle/obstacle combination may be taken after each time a one point jump is taken.
Points will not be given to a team that repeats an obstacle a second time in a back to back manner.
If at any time a team goes out of sequence, they will continue to be eligible to receive opening sequence obstacle points for properly completed obstacles/obstacle combinations, but will only be eligible for Bonus Points if they get back into a sequence of not previously taken 1 point jump followed by one of the other numbered obstacles or combinations.
If an obstacle is faulted or the pattern order (one point jump/point value obstacle) is broken, there are no bonus points for that pattern. However, bonus points can still be earned by subsequently completing a 1 point jump not previously taken followed by any one of the other numbered obstacles or combinations. (from short rules)
Moving from the “Opening Sequence” to the “Closing Sequence”
Teams will indicate to the Judge they have completed collecting “Opening Sequence” points by the dog touching the pause table with at least one paw. No position will be required on the table and only one paw need touch the table (whether intentional or unintentional) to cause the end of the “Opening Sequence.” Once the dog touches the table the judge will say “closing” and the team will proceed with the “Closing Sequence” keeping all points and bonus points earned in the “Opening Sequence.” prior to touching the table.
The Closing Sequence
The “Closing Sequence” consists of four (4) obstacles or obstacle combinations with a maximum value of 26 points plus a finish jump. These obstacles/obstacle combinations must be taken in ascending numeric order and are only worth points once each during the Closing Sequence.
If a team faults an obstacle or goes out of order, they are not eligible for Closing Bonus points but will receive points for any non-faulted obstacle(s) successfully completed before time expires. Each obstacle can only be completed for points once in the closing.
All dogs must cross the finish jump to stop the timer and receive a score.
A combination is a series of two or more obstacles that are to be performed and scored as a single obstacle. Obstacle order and direction in a combination shall be specified by the judge. If the combination is faulted (including taking obstacles out of order or in the wrong direction), no point(s) shall be awarded for the combination. However, the combination may be re-attempted after another 1 point jump has been taken (assuming that there are untaken 1 point jumps).
Excellent - It is recommended that at least two combinations and 1 contact and/or set of 6 weaves are used for the course.
Open – It is recommended that at least one combination and 1 contact or set of 6 weaves are used for the course.
Novice – It is recommended that at least one combination and/or 1 contact are used for the course.
Course times:
Standard Course Time will as follows:
24” and 20” – 32 seconds
12” & 16” – 34 seconds
8” – 36 seconds
4” – 38 seconds
Bonus points:
Bonus points can be earned if a team completes one, two or three of the one point jump/ 5-8 point obstacle/obstacle combinations in Opening Sequence completes the Closing Sequence in ascending numeric order without faults before the reaching Standard Course Time.
First one point jump/higher point obstacle combination in sequence = 15 bonus points
(Judge will call “Bonus One”)
Second one point jump/higher point obstacle combination in sequence = 15 bonus points
(Judge will call “Bonus Two”)
Third one point jump/higher point obstacle combination in sequence = 15 bonus points
(Judge will call “Bonus Three”)
Closing sequence of obstacles 5-8 completed successfully in order without faults before the course time runs out = 25 bonus points (Judge will call “Closing Bonus”)
Scoring: Total Points:
Points score:
Opening sequence points: number of points accumulated before going to Pause Table
Opening sequence bonus points = maximum of 45 pts (15 points + 15 points + 15 points)
Closing sequence points (5 - 8) = maximum of 26 pts (5 + 6 + 7 +8)
Closing sequence bonus points = 25 pts
Time faults:
Taking the finish obstacle stops the timer and immediately ends the run. All points accumulated to that point are retained.
Failure to take the finish obstacle will result in a zero score for that competitor.
Any seconds and/or fractions thereof over course time will be subtracted from any points earned at a rate of one point per second (or partial second).
Runs under course time will not be awarded any time bonus points but fastest time will be used to determine placement of teams earning identical scores.
Opening and Closing sequence points plus Bonus Points minus time faults (if any) equals the Team’s score.
* Point ties will be broken by using the fastest time to determine a winner.
**An obstacle will be considered attempted if the dog has touched or crossed the obstacle (e.g., placing a paw on a ramp or tunnel, passing through the tire frame or crossing through the weaves poles.