Dog Agility Competition Of Florida

Proud Sponsor of DACOF
DACOF Time2Beat
DACOF Time2Beat is a modified version of the AKC’s Time2Beat class. The objective is to have a fast, clean run that is somewhat reminiscent of steeplechase in other venues.
DACOF T2B will differ from the AKC’s rules in the following ways:
Weave poles are not allowed to be used twice.
DACOF exhibitors compete on teams by level. As such, the Open and Excellent exhibitors will have a course using 12 weave poles. However, Novice exhibitors at DACOF are not required to do more than 6 weave poles so the T2B course design will reduce the number of poles to 6 for Novice without making major changes to the course (minor tweaking of angles, etc. will be allowed).
There will be a maximum of 18 obstacles.
Scoring: Like the AKC, there will be a maximum course time (MCT) established for each jump height. The standard course time (SCT) will be determined by the time of the fastest clean run (T2B) in each class and jump height. Points will be awarded as follows:
Computing Your Clean (and under MCT) Dog’s Score Compared to 1st Place Dog # of Points Earned:
First place dog with a clean run gets 110 points (and sets the T2B) then
Within 10% of the fastest dog’s time, dog scores a total of 109 points
Within 20% of the fastest dog’s time, dog scores a total of 108 points
Within 30% of the fastest dog’s time, dog scores a total of 107 points
Within 40% of the fastest dog’s time, dog scores a total of 106 points
Within 50% of the fastest dog’s time, dog scores a total of 105 points
Within 60% of the fastest dog’s time, dog scores a total of 104 points
Within 70% of the fastest dog’s time, dog scores a total of 103 points
Within 80% of the fastest dog’s time, dog scores a total of 102 points
Within 90% or greater of the fastest dog’s time (but under MCT), dog scores a total of 101 points MCT or over, -1 point per second over time up to 30 seconds (-30 points) plus fault deductions. 30 seconds or more over MCT scores zero points.
Although there will be only one Time To Beat that will be named the winner in each class and jump height, awards will be made to second and third fastest clean runs in each class and jump height. Dogs that do not run clean (or run clean at MCT or above) will still have the opportunity to score for their teams although they will not be eligible for placements. All dogs will start with 100 points and receive deductions for faults that occur on course. Wrong course, dropped bars and missed contacts are assessed at 5 points each. Not achieving MCT will be faulted at 1 point per second over MCT (time truncated to seconds only). Refusals are not to be faulted. If a dog and handler team has not completed the course by MCT + 30 seconds, the horn will sound and the team will receive a score of zero.
Sample Scenarios:
#1 Bar down and 5 seconds over time: 100 - 5 - 5 = 90 points
#2 Clean Fastest Run (T2B): 100+10 = 110 points (no faults)
#3 Clean with time within the 50th percentile: 100 + 5 = 105 points
#4 Clean and 5 seconds over time: 100 – 5 = 95 point
#5 Dog and handler do not complete the course by MCT +30 seconds = 0 points
#6 Fastest Run and missed contact: 100 – 5 = 95 points (not clean so no bonus)
#7 Time within 90th percentile, bar down & missed contact: 100 - 5 -5 = 90 points (not clean so no bonus)