Dog Agility Competition Of Florida

Proud Sponsor of DACOF
2024 DACOF Run-Thrus
Are you ready to RUN-THRU!!!!
Online Run-Thru Worker Sign-Up Link:
This year’s DACOF Run-thrus will be on Friday, June 28. Please read this information carefully as it will help to keep things running smoothly.
There are MANY changes to this year’s Run-Thrus, so please read carefully.
We hope these changes will make the Run-Thrus more organized and efficient!
Changes to the 2023 Run-Thrus:
New for this year, special “Set-Up Volunteer” Run-Thru tickets will be provided to those who are available by 3:00pm Thursday to help set up the rings. (see below) These tickets will have PRIORITY for choosing Run-Thru slots in the 9:00am – 10:00am hour and should be used by 12:00 Noon Friday.
Also, special “Volunteer Ring Worker” tickets will be provided to those who volunteer to work in the Run-Thru rings during the day on Friday. (see below) ADDITIONALLY, special time slots will be allocated to each ring, each hour, for “Volunteer Ring Workers” to ensure our Ring Workers have available slots to run their dogs.
We will ask for Volunteers to start staffing the Run-Thru worker positions at 9:00am. (The approximate time we have been ready to start the past few years) Remember, if we don’t have Volunteer Ring Workers, we cannot run the rings!
ALL Run-Thru Gate Sheets will start out being held at the Ticket Sales Table.
Members will only be able to purchase Run-Thru tickets for themselves. However, at the point of purchase, you will be able to elect slots on any of the Run-Thru Gate Sheets for time slots throughout the day. We do ask that Members who arrive and purchase tickets earlier in the day choose Run-Thru slots earlier in the day to be considerate of Members arriving later in the day, leaving slots open for later arrivals.
At approximately 10 minutes before the top of each hour, the Gate Sheets for that hour will be moved to their respective rings. Any slots that remain open for that hour (including the Special “Volunteer Ring Worker” Run-Thru Slots) can be filled ringside with the Ring Captain.
Volunteers working the 3:00-4:00 hour may ask to utilize the Run-Thru ticket they will earn during that hour “in advance” of working (based upon the honor system) because there will not be any available spots AFTER 4:00pm or can elect to receive $10 worth of Raffle Tickets in lieu of a “Volunteer Ring Worker” Run-Thru ticket.
Run-Thru tickets WILL be collected when entering the Ring. Please be sure to have your Ticket with you and ready to give to the Gate Steward as you enter the ring!!!
Run-thru cost will remain the same at $10.00 per run.
Ticket sales will start around 9:00am and will stop at approximately 3:00 p.m. depending on the remaining available Run-Thru slots.
Run-thrus will begin after the setup is complete. In recent years, the set-up has been completed by 9:00am (or shortly thereafter).
Please remember, we must end Run-Thrus by 4:00pm!!!
If you are late getting to the arena, an opportunity to run your dog(s) is NOT guaranteed!
If we don’t close Run-Thrus by 4:00, we won’t have time to get the rings cleared, the ground prepared, and the courses set for Saturday morning. As we get close to 4:00pm, we may ask handlers to move to another ring for load balancing to facilitate finishing in all rings by 4:00pm.
Available Courses & their respective rings:
Ring 1 – 60 seconds - FAST course
Ring 2 – 60 seconds – nested Standard course
Ring 3 – 60 seconds – nested Standard course
Time Starts when you enter the ring!
Handlers can choose to run the course as designed, or whatever obstacles/path desired during the allowed time in the ring. Dogs will run by jump height, several dogs per height at a time (allotted again this year by the numbers of dogs entered at each jump height), before moving to the next jump height. There will be walk thrus before the first 4” or 8” dogs and again after the 16” dogs. (4”/8”/12” & 16” dogs walk/run then 20”/24” dogs walk/run). If you are not at the ring for your height run, we will move to the next jump height. We will not be able to move your name to another run, you are responsible for re-signing up.
“Set-Up Volunteer” Run-Thru tickets.
As mentioned above in the Changes to the 2023 Run-Thrus section, special tickets will be provided to Volunteers who arrive Thursday afternoon by 3:00pm to help set up the ring fencing, build the agility equipment, and set the courses.
IF ADDITIONAL SET-UP is needed Friday Morning, Volunteers who show up at 8:00am SHARP Friday morning to finish setting the agility rings may also receive “Set-Up Volunteer” Run-Thru tickets.
(ONLY if additional set-up is needed)
These “Set-Up Volunteer” Run-Thru tickets will have priority in the 9:00am – 10:00am time slots so we strongly encourage all volunteers receiving these tickets to use them at that time.
Additionally, these “Set-Up Volunteer” Run-Thru tickets (absent extenuating circumstances) must be used by 12:00 Noon.
Those that come late Friday Morning (not ready to help at 8:00am SHARP) WILL NOT receive “Set-Up Volunteer” Run-Thru tickets.
In exchange for volunteering as a Ring Worker, you can earn tickets for your run-thrus. For every hour worked in the rings, you will receive one free run-thru ticket. As mentioned previously, special “Volunteer Ring Worker” Run-Thru tickets will be provided to those who volunteer to work in the Run-Thru rings during the day on Friday. ADDITIONALLY, special time slots will be allocated to each ring, each hour, for “Volunteer Ring Workers” to assure our Ring Workers have available slots to run their dogs.
This year’s sign-up sheet for volunteer workers will be offered electronically thru SignUpGenius.
The link for volunteers to sign up for a job, a ring, and a time will be posted below when available:
A “Full Description” of the Worker responsibilities is available on the SignUpGenius web page (If viewing on a mobile device, please click the “View Full Description Box”) and is listed below.
Please note, based upon which web browser or mobile device you may be using the SignUpGenius page can format differently. Therefore, there may be a single page showing all the times for the day (from 9:00am – 4:00pm) or there may be several pages to the Sign-Up, so for times later than available on the 1st page, please navigate to the next page(s).
Sign up quickly to reserve your worker spot and worker credit before all the positions fill!
Thanks for volunteering to work during the run-thrus!
We will need volunteers all day to work the Run-Thru courses in the rings. We will have 3 rings running at the same time so there are lots of jobs to be filled!
Volunteers will need to report to your positions 10 minutes before your shift starts so any important information can be passed on. If you are not there in advance, you take the chance of being replaced with someone else.
For all 3 rings, we need the following positions covered:
Ring Captain
Gate Steward
Bar Setters (3)
Leash Runner
The Ring Captain will be responsible for the table & the sign-up sheets, keeping the groups moving, calling for the change in jump heights and calling for the walk-thrus.
The Gate Steward is responsible for getting the dogs in line and on deck, ready for their run. You will also collect the Run-Thru tickets and encourage the handlers & dogs to be ready to enter the ring in a timely manner.
The Timer is responsible for starting the time as soon as the handler walks into the ring, and for making sure the horn/whistle sounds when the time is up. You will also encourage the handler & their dog to leave the ring in a timely manner.
The Bar Setters will take a seat around the inside edge of the ring. You are responsible for changing the height of the jumps and any other obstacles that need to change with different heights. You should be attentive and replace knocked bars and raise or lower the A-Frame for large & small dogs.
The Leash Runner will be responsible for carrying the dog’s leash from the entrance to the exit of the ring so it will be waiting for the dog & handler when they exit the ring.
Thanks for all your anticipated help!
Erica Benson, Ashley Escobar & Jill Potter
Rev. 2023-06-01