!!! DACOF Rosters are due in THREE WEEKS !!!
Hello DACOF Members!
February 21st 2025 is the DACOF Roster Deadline this year, and is now only three weeks away!!! As Team Captains work towards building their Rosters, please arrange the names alphabetically, by last name first.
There is a NEW PROCESS this year for submitting Rosters!
Team Organizers/Captains will need to visit this following web link:
This will allow Team Organizers/Captains to request a Roster Submittal Form for your Organization/Sponsor. Once the request is received and reviewed, you will receive an email (to the email address provided in the form) with a link for Roster Submittal. Every Organization that submits this form will receive their own custom roster link. Even if you are unsure of your Organization's commitment to DACOF 2025 at this time, it is recommended to submit a roster for your Organization, in the chance that the Organization is able to participate.
Please remember, there should be some nexus (connection, relationship, bond) between the handlers listed on a Roster. This nexus could be: the Handlers belong to the same Dog Club or Organization; train together; have a shared dog breed; or share some other material and identifiable commonality.
Also, although not everyone listed on a Roster is required to be on the eventual DACOF Team, names cannot be added to the Roster after the Roster Deadline. For further information please go to our web site: dacof.com / Send a Team tab / How to Participate drop down.
Additionally, we ask all Team Captains to encourage subscription of (or to subscribe on behalf of) all Handlers listed on Team Rosters, to the “DACOF Email Blasts.”
(email from dacof-update@googlegroups.com). This will ensure everyone in your organization receives all the important DACOF information in a timely and consistent manner.
Subscribing to the email blasts is very easy! Visit our web site, dacof.com, provide a name and an email address, and click the “Subscribe Now” button in the blue “Latest News” box on the right side of the web page.
Lastly for this notice,
The Tire Jump is the Obstacle for the 2025 DACOF Pins & T-Shirt
Team Dog-On-It Dynamos, our winning group from DACOF 2024 has chosen the Tire Jump as their obstacle of choice for the DACOF 2025 Pin and T-Shirt. DACOF Members may submit pictures they would like to be considered as the “Model” for this year’s design to Bill at:
Any pictures being submitted to us for consideration must have the photographer’s permission! Additionally, for us to be able to work with the picture, the file size of the picture must be 1MB in size at a minimum.
Nicky with Pix ‘n Pages has once again graciously provided permission for any Pix ‘n Pages photos to be submitted for consideration.
Additionally, new for this update, Rich Knecht from Rich Knecht Photography and Mallory Bernard from MB Photography have granted permission for the use of any photos they have taken, as long as the submitted pictures are purchased and paid copies of their photographs.
Photographs from any other photographer will require the photographer’s release before the picture is considered as a submission to the Board.
Thanks & have a nice weekend!
Bill, Kathy, Jen, Erica & Ashley